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When Legs have restricted movement, like in a car or motorhome, on a coach or train, even on a motorbike where the Legs are bent up, you may be at risk of getting a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).
It is during periods of immobility, such as when travelling or after an operation that blood flow will not be as effective as when you are moving around. This stagnation of blood flow can mean that blood clots form in the Veins, and if it breaks away and travels to the Lungs (Pulmonary Embolism) it can be fatal.
It is estimated that in the UK, 1 in every 1000 people are affected by preventable DVT each year. That's approx. 66,000 people per year! Like most diseases, there are factors that put the risk higher for some people than others, such as:
The trick to keeping yourself protected from a blood clot occurring is by wearing graduated compression socks instead of normal socks or hosiery. Graduated compression socks exert a gentle pressure at certain points in the Leg, which keep blood flow healthy, and thus, helping to prevent DVT.
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